Nhat Tin Logistics

Nhất Tín Logistics, Hồ Chí Minh, Ho Chi Minh City. Nhat Tin Logistics Shop & Service Point

Phường 4, Hồ Chí Minh, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Bưu cục Nhat Tin Logistics Bản đồ, Số điện thoại, Dịch vụ Nhất Tín Logistics, Hồ Chí Minh, Ho Chi Minh City.

Nhat Tin Logistics Tra cứu đơn hàng

Nhập mã vận đơn của bạn (tracking number)

ex. 1174350186

Nhat Tin Logistics gần nhất - Nhat Tin Logistics Near Me

Nhất Tín Logistics, Hồ Chí Minh, Ho Chi Minh City
Kiểu Shop & Service Point
Địa chỉ Phường 4, Hồ Chí Minh, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Mở cửa
Thời gian giới hạn
Số điện thoại 1900 63 6688
Bản đồ Xem bản đồ Tuyến đường Mặt tiền cửa hàng
Dịch vụ

Xem bản đồ - Nhất Tín Logistics, Hồ Chí Minh, Ho Chi Minh City

Tuyến đường -> Nhất Tín Logistics, Hồ Chí Minh, Ho Chi Minh City

Đánh giá - Tra cứu đơn hàng

Võ Trường Duy - 2022-05-16

Super bad service, they informed 36h for fast delivery, but after 5 days, still no delivery, call the service 3 times, but the problem is still there. Never use this company again.

Schnytzel (cyclonegta5d) - 2021-11-22

Had it on express shipping, was slated to deliver by 2pm, but it's 7pm now and there's still no contact. I also tried calling customer service (multiple times), and they just cut off the phone call without answering? What kind of service is this?

Jack Le - 2020-02-27

Well, I've been here a couple of times to send in my visa. The only problem with this place is the location and where it's pinpoint on Google map is false. For people who travel here the first time, good luck finding it as it sits quietly in the residential area that belongs to military troops. Despite the hide and seek location, this place is quite spacious and new so it's very clean and lots of parking. Recommended👍🏼

Duy Kym Nguyen - 2019-03-15

Good service and reasonable price

Nguyen Kim Son - 2022-02-12

Profestional logistics service supplier.
